Milestone Day

I’ve been up since 5:30am, surprised I was able to sleep at all.

I’ve gone through my morning routine like any other morning: praying, meditating, listening to my cockatiels serenade me with their morning song, getting my cawfee…except this morning is different – this is a milestone day in my life. A day that I feel the love, support, encouragement of Rob, my family and friends more than usual, the day I feel that my Mom and Dad are with me stronger than any day since they passed, the day that I’m bearing witness to God doing exceedingly, abundantly above in my life.

I’m all packed…I’ve checked, re-checked, double-checked my re-checked check because every time I travel I forgot SOMETHING.   This is the first time that I haven’t forgotten anything.  Rob called me this morning to tell me he loves me, how proud he is of me and that he and Thorne will be watching the State of the Union tonight to see me. My old boss, Julius, called me as well, to tell me that I deserved this, how proud he is of me and that I will be fantastic.  Phone calls, texts, emails, Facebook posts, Tweets – the love, support,and pride is overwhelming – I’m not gonna cry because I can’t have swole football eyes!

Lady Gaga said on Ellen that she believes that if she opened up a pocket on one of her costumes after a concert, she felt she could hear the screaming of her fans, feel that energy and love.  I believe that and so I’m wearing my “interview suit” so that all the positive vibes, opportunity and awesomeness will be absorbed into it and I can take it with me on interviews.

Senator Booker and his staff have arranged for a car to drive me down to his DC office.  WOW – I have a “driver”.  His name is Simon and he works out of the Newark office.  Poor kid, he’s going to have to listen to my giddy self for three hours – maybe everybody should pray for him? He should be here around noon – Good Lord that’s four hours from now!

It’s Tuesday to most people… a special day for a few.  It’s neither for me… today is a Milestone Day for me.

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